Unlike the classical programming languages that are very slow and even sometimes fail to load very large data sets since they use only a single core, Apache Spark is known as the fastest distributed system that can handle with ease large datasets...
H2O is an open-source distributed scalable framework used to train machine learning and deep learning models as well as data analysis. It can handle large data sets, with ease of use, by creating...
Machine learning models are called by this name because of their ability to learn the best parameter values that are as closest as possible to the right values of the optimum objective function (or loss function). However, since all models...
The super easy way, at least for me, to deploy machine learning models is by making use of the R package **tidymodels**, which is a collection of many packages that makes...
When we deal with data that has a response variable of integer type, using a linear regression may violate the normality assumption and hence all the classical statistic tests would fail to evaluate the model...